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Quality Assurance for All


This Eramsus+ project aims to develop quality assurance for
youth sector activities, using an intersectional perspective and upholding common EU values such as human dignity, inclusion, solidarity, and equality, in non-formal education and youth


The project objectives are:


  1. To explore the key features of existing quality frameworks

  2. Through active participation in developmental processes, to cultivate competences among young people, trainers, and youth workers to design and implement a quality assurance model tailored to non-formal education activities that promote an intersectional approach, human rights, and common EU values.

  3. Foster the promotion of an intersectional approach, human rights, and common EU values within the framework of quality assurance for youth work


The BRIDGE Project (2023- 2025)


The recently launched BRiDGE Project supports the European Union aim to bridge the gap between research and policy. The project will address existing gaps between the knowledge and expertise of Higher Education institution-based researchers, practitioners in civil society organisations, and policy-makers, that prevent the effective connection of evidence with policy- making.
The project brings together a collaborative pan-European  professional learning community to support development of competences for policy research. It includes six university-based partners, an umbrella organisation bringing together 48 European networks working in education (LLLP), training and youth, and an international education policy think tank (EIESP). The project site is under development. Please click here for more information. 



This Eramsus+ project aims to develop practical guidelines on quality factors for international in-service training. The project will draw on evidence from research as well as practical examples from
regional, national, public and private
training institutions in the seven project countries (Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Poland and Portugal). This project is led by Bezirksregierung
Arnsberg in Germany.


“Expert Network on Recognition of outcomes of learning periods abroad in general secondary school”, final report available here.


These project  outcomes  are the result of the precious contribution of a network led by the European Federation for Intercultural Learning (EFIL) with the  European Centre of Studies and Initiative (CESIE) and EIESP, consisting of 25 expert stakeholders from 15 EU countries.


EIESP  European Institute of Education and Social Policy


IEEPS Institut Européen d’Éducation et de Politique Sociale

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