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Vice Chair




Daniel KROPF


Other Board Members


Grégory COMBES





Director, European Institute of Education and Social Policy

Joint Editor, former European Journal of Education



Researcher, EIESP



Project Coordinator & Research Assistant, EIESP


Laëtitia MOREL

Administrative and Financial Assistant






Jean-Claude Ruano-Borbalan is the director of the Laboratory of History of Techno-Sciences in Society. He is a member of the Doctoral School management team and Director of the Cnam's innovation Department/ EPN. He is a member of the Innovation Research Network, as well as of the 'Institut Francilien d'innovation en société'. He directs the Cnam's Master's degree programs in Science and Technology in Society on Mediation of Science and Technology and Higher Education, Research and Innovation. 


His current research work focuses on several aspects:  

1. The reality and nature of "intermediate knowledge" in engineering or the mediation/transfer of knowledge, which has developed since the Renaissance and has been particularly reinforced in the contemporary period. 

2. The processes and techniques of legitimization of knowledge in the long-run (epistemology and construction of scientific knowledge) 

3. The analysis of public research and innovation policies, particularly around the missions of higher education and the development (framing and standardization) of the construction of legitimate knowledge, in the major national research and innovation strategies and systems. 



Vice Chair

Jerzy began his career as a mathematics teacher, subsequently joining the Ministry of National Education. He was instrumental in initiating Poland’s participation in the OECD’s INES, PISA, TALIS and PIAAC programmes as well as the International Education Association’s PIRLS and TIMSS. Jerzy served as Director General of the Polish Ministry in 1998 when an overall system reform of Polish education was launched. He has also led international research projects, including cross-curricular key competences and teacher education. Jerzy was a member of the European Commission High Level Group of Experts on Literacy. He is also a member of the Board of Education for Democracy Foundation.


Daniel KROPF


Daniel is the Founding Chair and Executive Vice Chair of the Learning for Well-being Foundation, formerly the Education Foundation. As a healthcare entrepreneur, Daniel has always pursued a deeper understanding of human functioning. He has established, chaired or directed several healthcare businesses. He is also a Board member of the Evens Foundation, of EPTO (European Peer Trainers Organization).



Board Member 

Jaana Puukka is an international higher education expert with 20 years of experience in international, national and institutional level planning and evaluation. Before launching INNOVATION ENGAGE in France in 2013 she worked in the OECD Education Directorate for eight years, leading large-scale surveys and higher education reviews. In her new position, she advises the EC, OECD, World Bank as well as governments, universities and science park organizations.  



Director, EIESP

Joint Editor Former EJE

Janet Looney is the director of the Institute of Education and Social Policy and the joint editor of the former European Journal of Education. Ms. Looney has worked internationally as a consultant with several public and private sector organizations. Between 2002 and 2008, she worked at the OECD, leading two major international studies on assessment and evaluation. She was Associate Director of the Institute for Public Policy and Management at the University of Washington (1996 – 2002), focusing on community development and urban education reforms. At the Institute, she also led the Progress Project to consider how we define, measure and promote progress. She began her career as a programme examiner in the Education Branch of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President (1994-1996).



Researcher, EIESP

Policy researcher with a PhD in Social Sciences from  the University of Padova (Italy), Barbara is a multilingual professional with a solid background in the fields of human rights and education policy. With a professional experience spanning over a decade, Barbara has worked with international
organisations such as UNESCO, Council of Europe, the Inter-American Development Bank, and Amnesty International. As part of her PhD studies, Barbara conducted a multiple case study research in France to explore of teachers’ perceptions and beliefs in their teaching practice on citizenship education and human rights. Barbara has also had the opportunity to work on non-formal learning environments, in particular as
a trainer and facilitator on human rights education. As part of her tasks, Barbara has developed and delivered capacity building programmes for young people in the field of EDC/ HRE.



Project Coordinator and Research Assistant

Gloria is Project Coordinator at the EIESP which she joined in 2009. She has worked in the non-profit sector in the domains of public information and education. She has been involved for several years in Canada and France in a neighbourhood-based educational program aimed at strengthening literacy, decision-making and community-service skills among young people. Gloria has a Masters degree in Social Policy and Planning from the London School of Economics and Political Science, researching the effects of participatory projects in the school environment. She completed her Bachelor's degree at York University, Toronto in Political Science. Gloria is fluent in both English and French.


Laetitia MOREL

Administrative and Financial Assistant

Laetitia is the administrative and financial assistant who joined EIEPS in 2012. After studying international trade and freight transport, she worked for 10 years in shipping for a large multinational company. She returned to study accounting and assistantship, and joined the institute on completion of her training. She has since completed her training with a degree in law.


EIESP  European Institute of Education and Social Policy


IEEPS Institut Européen d’Éducation et de Politique Sociale

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