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Editorial Board, European Journal of Education Policy & Practice




Gábor Halász

Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, ELTE University, Hungary
Professor Emeritus


Joint Editors


Janet Looney

Director, EIESP, Paris, France


Jean-Claude Ruano-Borbalan

Chair, EIESP, Paris, France


Editorial Board Members


Roberto Carniero​

Portuguese Catholic University

Professor Emeritus

Tamar Bregvadze

Associate Professor

Ilia State University

Richard Desjardins

Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, UCLA, USA

Tatiana Fumasoli

UCL Institute of Education, London

Edith Hooge

President, Executive Board of University of Amsterdam

Beatriz Pont


Alejandro Tiana

Rector UNED, Madrid, Spain

Professor Emeritus

Ilkka Tuomi

Meaning Processing Ltd, Helsinki, Finland




Gábor Halász

Gábor Halász is doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He is professor of education at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the University Eötvös Loránd in Budapest where he leads a Centre for Higher Educational Management. He teaches, among others, education policy, sociology of higher education, education and European integration and global trends in education. He was Director-General of the Institute for Educational Research and Development in Budapest where he is now scientific advisor. Professor Halász has worked as an expert consultant for a number of international organizations, particularly the OECD, the European Commission, the World Bank, and the Council of Europe. Since 1996 he has been representing Hungary in the Governing Board of CERI (OECD), he also served as president of this Board. Click here for more information. 


Tamar Bregvadze   

Tamar Bregvadze is an associate professor at the School of Education at Ilia State University (Georgia), where she teaches research methods and education policy. Her research primarily focuses on education policy analysis. Dr. Bregvadze is currently a senior researcher at the National Centre for Education Research and the National Project Manager for the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).

Dr. Bregvadze has served on the higher education authorisation and accreditation boards of the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia. She has also been a researcher and consultant on various local and international projects related to education management. Additionally, she has consulted for the Teachers Professional Development Centre and the National Centre for Quality Enhancement, specialising in internationalisation, quality management, and strategic planning in higher education. She has also served as a Higher Education Reform Expert (HERE) for the Erasmus+ Programme, a member of the international network of ETF skills laboratories, and a board member of the Network of Education Policy Centres.


Richard Desjardins

Richard Desjardins is an Associate Professor in the economics and political economy of education and skills at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Previously, he was employed as a policy analyst in the Education Directorate at the OECD and also as an Associate Professor at Aarhus University in Denmark. He has been involved in large scale assessment of adult skills for over 15 years, namely as part of the 1994-1998 International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS) and the 2003-2007 Adult Literacy and Lifeskills Survey (ALL) teams, and most recently the OECD Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) team. Between 2004 and 2007 he coordinated the Social Outcomes of Learning project at the OECD Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI). He received his Phd in International and Comparative Education from the Institute of International Education at Stockholm University.


Tatiana Fumasoli

Tatiana Fumasoli is Associate Professor at the Department Education, Practice and Society at UCL Institute of Education in London (UK). She holds a PhD from University of Lugano (Switzerland) with a thesis on university strategic management, she has been a senior researcher at ARENA Centre for European Studies and at the Department of Education at University of Oslo (Norway). Her research interests lie at the intersection of management studies, organization theory and sociology of professions and expertise. She has conducted extensive research on European higher education and has participated in several international research projects such as EUROAC The Academic Profession in Europe: Responses to Societal Change, and FLAGSHIP European Flagship Universities Balancing Academic Excellence and Socio-Economic Relevance. Tatiana has published on strategy, academic profession and careers, governance and policy, transnational higher education.


Edith Hooge


Edith Hooge is professor of Education Management and Policy at the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Amsterdam.

Prior to this appointment, Edith Hooge was, among other roles, the chair of the Education Council and on the independent advisory board for government and parliament in the field of education, educational policy and legislation. In addition, she worked as professor of Boards and Governance in Education at TIAS, Tilburg University and as the president of the Police Education Council.  From 2017 to 2019, she was a member of the Supervisory Board of the University of Amsterdam, nominated by the central participation councils.

She studied Educational Science at the University of Amsterdam, and obtained her PhD at the UvA in 1998 for research into increasing autonomy and deregulation in education.


Janet Looney

Janet Looney is the director of the Institute of Education and Social Policy, based in Paris. Ms. Looney has worked internationally as a consultant with several public and private sector organizations. Between 2002 and 2008, she worked at the OECD, leading two major international studies on assessment and evaluation. She was Associate Director of the Institute for Public Policy and Management at the University of Washington (1996 – 2002), focusing on community development and urban education reforms.  At the Institute, she also led the Progress Project to consider how we define, measure and promote progress. She began her career as a programme examiner in the Education Branch of the U.S. Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President (1994-1996).


Beatriz Pont

Beatriz Pont has worked on education policy reforms and school leadership and equity and quality in education throughout her career and has published and presented internationally on these topics. At the OECD Directorate for Education and Skills, she leads OECD education and policy implementation work, and has led worked with individual countries such as Greece, Japan, Mexico, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom (Wales) in their school improvement reform efforts. She also launched and led a comparative series on education reforms, the Education Policy Outlook. She also teaches comparative education policy (MA) at the School of International Affairs, Sciences Po, Paris. Previously, Beatriz was researcher on education and social policies in the Economic and Social Council of the Government of Spain.


Beatriz holds a Phd in Political Science from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, a Masters in International Relations from Columbia University, and a BA in political science from Pitzer College, California.


Alejandro Tiana Ferrer

Alejandro Tiana Ferrer is the rector of Spain’s National Distance Teaching University (UNED) and Professor of Theory and History of Education. From 2008 to 2012 he was Director General of the Centre for Advanced Studies of the Ibero-American States Organization for Education, Science and Culture (OEI). He served for the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain as Secretary General of Education (2004-2008), Director of the Centre for Research, Documentation and Evaluation (1989-1993) and Director of the National Institute for Quality and Evaluation (1994-1996). He has been Chair (1999-2004) of the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA)  Dr. Tiana is the author or co-author of 20 books and more than 200 chapters and articles about the history of contemporary education systems, educational policy, comparative education, models and management of distance education, and evaluation of education systems.


Jean-Claude Ruano-Borbalan

Jean-Claude is an academic and researcher with over 20 years' experience and also has extensive experience as an editor and teacher/trainer. He is an honorary professor at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers – CNAM (Paris), director of the History of Techno-sciences within society. His research covers informal education and public communication of science and technology ( museums, mediation). His current work is focused on processes of the legitimization or standardization of knowledge, the differences and relations between academic, expert and professional knowledge in techno-sciences and engineering. He also teaches at the Université Catholique de Louvain. His research experience covers the disciplines of anthropology, sociology and the theory of knowledge and institutions,  as well as the knowledge economy. Jean-Claude has also substantial experience in accompanying institutions and systems through a process of organizational and institutional restructuring and transformation.


Bio Halász

EIESP  European Institute of Education and Social Policy


IEEPS Institut Européen d’Éducation et de Politique Sociale

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