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The BRIDGE Project (2023- 2025)

The recently launched BRiDGE Project supports the European Union aim to bridge the gap between research and policy. The project will address existing gaps between the knowledge and expertise of Higher Education institution-based researchers, practitioners in civil society organisations, and policy-makers, that prevent the effective connection of evidence with policy- making.
The project brings together a collaborative pan-European  professional learning community to support development of competences for policy research. It includes six university-based partners, an umbrella organisation bringing together 48 European networks working in education (LLLP), training and youth, and an international education policy think-tank (EIESP). The project site is under development.

Please click here for more information. 


Quality Assurance for All

 This Eramsus+ project aims to develop quality assurance for
youth sector activities, using an intersectional perspective and upholding common EU values such as human dignity, inclusion, solidarity, and equality, in non-formal education and youth


The project objectives are:


  1. To explore the key features of existing quality frameworks
  2. Through active participation in developmental processes, to cultivate competences among young people, trainers, and youth workers to design and implement a quality assurance model tailored to non-formal education activities that promote an intersectional approach, human rights, and common EU values.

  3. Foster the promotion of an intersectional approach, human rights, and common EU values within the framework of quality assurance for youth work.



This Erasmus+ project aims to develop practical guidelines on quality factors for international in- service training. The project will draw on evidence from research as well as practical examples from
regional, national, public and private training institutions in the seven project countries (Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Poland and Portugal). This project is led by Bezirksregierung
Arnsberg in Germany. For more information please visit the project


The TRANSVAL-EU Erasmus+ policy experimentation addressed the complex issue of validation of transversal skills. On one hand, employers place an increasing importance on transversal skills. On the other hand, transversal skills are only an implicit part of the existing validation and guidance processes.

  • a research base of good practices

  • a set of training toolkits and programmes

  • standardised competence profiles for validation/guidance practitioners with a specific focus on transversal skills.

EIESP led the development of the state-of-the-art report, which brought together information on policies and practices to support guidance and validation of trans
versal skills and competences in VNFIL across Europe. See the report here. The project started in February, 2021 and concluded in September 2023. The project was co-funded by Erasmus+ KA3 Policy Reform – Policy Experimentations.

​Further information and project outcomes are available on the official project website.
The EIESP prepared a series of video podcasts highlighting research from the TRANSVAL-EU project.  Please view them here: video 1, video 2, video 3.

Policy reform for broad competence development in school education

The EIESP led a study in partnership with Ecorys and the DTI entitled Key competences for all Policy design and implementation in European school education. The study, done on behalf of the European Commission, shares the results of research and a peer
learning process among five Member States to explore effective policy design and implementation of reforms for broad competence development in school education, including better achievement of basic skills. The key findings and recommendations may be found here. Related documents include the Executive Summary (also in French and German) and Recommendations.

Assess@Learning - Digital formative Assessment (DFA)

This project actively engaged both teachers and students in the learning process. Based on the information teachers received about students’ level of understanding, they adapted their teaching to better meet the learning needs of individual students, while students learn better by receiving immediate feedback on their learning. However, DFA practices are not yet widely used across Europe. A@L ran field trials to test the impact of a DFA toolkit in five countries. The project (2019-2022) was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, with partners from Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal and the United Kingdom and coordinated by European Schoolnet. 

The systemic online toolkit provided practical guidance, teaching scenarios and cases studies to all who need to be on board to successfully implement DFA. It targeted teachers, students, school heads, parents and policy makers and shows the role of each in this process. EIESP participated in this project an advisory role. The A@L literature review was authored by EIESP director Janet Looney.

Project outcomes are available here.


"Expert Network on Recognition of outcomes of learning periods abroad in general secondary education" –

Final report available.

These project  outcomes  are the result of the precious contribution of a network led by the European Federation for Intercultural Learning (EFIL) with the  European Centre of Studies and Initiative (CESIE) and EIESP, consisting of 25 expert stakeholders from 15 EU countries.  Please click here for the project website.

European SchoolNet TeachUP: The changing role and competences of teachers; Online consultation and Literature Review (2017-2020)

TeachUP is a policy experimentation, piloting and evaluating new ways of teaching to meet the challenges associated with new methods of online learning and assessment. TeachUP is developing online courses for teachers in initial teacher education (ITE) and continuing professional development (CPD) on topics that are key elements for the 21st century teacher: formative assessment, personalised learning, collaborative learning, and creative thinking. It also informs policy action for ITE by providing institutional, local, regional, national and EU policy makers with concrete evidence on the following topics: efficient and cost effective modes of online courses, initial teacher education and teachers' continuous professional development; conditions for achieving high retention rates in online courses for teachers; conditions under which peer assessment can be reliably used in online teacher education; and building and recognising teachers' capacities as reflective and networked practitioners.

TeachUP has 17 partners (ministries of education, teacher education and research organisations) in 10 countries, coordinated by European Schoolnet. EIESP participates through the Scientific Advisory Committee, and has contributed a background literature review on The Changing role and competences of teachers.


The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

European SchoolNet Mentoring Technology Enhanced Pedagogy (MENTEP) Literature Review (2015-2018)

The MENTEP (Mentoring Technology-Enhanced Pedagogy) project – now concluded – was a European policy experimentation project, addressing the need for teachers in Europe to innovate using ICT in their classrooms. EIESP contributed a literature review on Online Self-Assessment to support the project. Please click here to learn more about the MENTEP project.

ET2020 Working Group (2018-2020)

EIESP provided consultancy support to the European Commission’s ET2020 Working Group on Schools for 2018-2020. The Working Groups are designed to help EU Member States address the key challenges of their education and training systems, as well as common priorities agreed at European level. ET2020 Working Groups aimed to accelerate mutual learning and empower national policy makers with good practices. They included experts from the Member States, candidate and EFTA countries, European social partners, civil society, EU agencies and international agencies. During the 2018-2020 mandate, the Working Group was focused on policies to support teacher quality and quality assurance in schools.

ET2020 Working Group Schools (2016-2018)

EIESP provided consultancy support to the European Commission’s ET2020 Working Group on Schools (WGS) for the 2016 – 2018 period. The 2016 – 18 mandate focused on education governance, addressing policies related to teacher quality, networks, transitions and quality assurance. The final conference, entitled Inspiring Change, was held in Brussels on 17-18 May 2018. The final report of the 2016 Working Group for Schools is available here.

The EIESP's participation in the Working Group was done in partnership with Ecorys UK.

International School Health Network

EIESP is represented on the board of the International School Health Network.  The ISHN is an informal network of practitioners, researchers and government officials as well as regional and other networks, international agencies and organizations concerned with health, safety, development, equity, social development, sustainability and other forms of human development. The network is recognized as a partner by several UN agencies and is being developed in cooperation with several international organizations, professions and networks.  More information may be found here.

Learning for Well-being Community (2005-...)

EIESP is a member of the Learning for Well-being Community, led by the Learning for Well-being Foundation (formerly the Universal Education Foundation). The Community includes partners from from education, health, and child welfare organisations that are operating at European and national levels. Members seek new ways to work together, specifically to develop capacities for competent relationships and systems for children and those who support them.


EIESP  European Institute of Education and Social Policy

IEEPS Institut Européen d’Éducation et de Politique Sociale

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