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Support to drafting the European Commission's contribution to the 2006 Joint Report on the implementation of the 'Education and Training 2010 Work Programme' (with particular reference to investment in human resources, and lifelong learning) (2005)


This project was a cross-country analysis of 32 national reports focusing on the three thematic areas for which the EIESP was responsible: reforming higher education; increasing the quality and attractiveness of vocational education and training (VET); consolidating the European dimension of education and training.


The main aim of the support to Directorate-General for Education and Culture of the European Commission was to strengthen European cooperation and monitor progress towards the Lisbon goals in the field of education, training and lifelong learning.


The final outputs may be found here:

Commission Staff Working Document (SEC (2005) 1415, Annex to the Communication from the Commission: 'Modernising education and training: a vital contribution prosperity and social cohesion in Europe', COM(2005)549 final

Draft 2006 joint progress report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the 'Education & Training 2010 work programme,' COM(2005) 549 final/2


The programme was funded by the European Commission.


EIESP  European Institute of Education and Social Policy


IEEPS Institut Européen d’Éducation et de Politique Sociale

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