EIESP and Vytautus Magnus University are leading the BRiDGE Project, bringing together higher education and civil society organisation practitioners and policymakers to foster evidence-informed policy development.
EIESP is participating in the FOOTT PRINTTS project: Focus on Teacher Training Practical Guidelines for In-Service Teacher Trainers.
AduEdu – Qualifications of Adult Educators in Knowledge Society (2004-2006)
The goal of the Adu-Edu project was to develop and coordinate between participating countries Framework of Qualifications (FQ) of the Adult Educator (AE) in Knowledge Society and implement it in four areas: 1) in FQ development and assessment of professional competency of AE; 2) in development of programmes & courses for training of AE; 3) in setting criteria and designing means for evaluation of AE training practice and 4) in linking adult education policy and strategy to the requirements of Knowledge Society and the idea of Lifelong Learning.
The project was designed to meet the needs of four target groups: adult educators: teachers of adults, tutors, counsellors, mentors, AE/LLL managers, etc.; programme developers, courses & modules for vocational training and continuing education of adult educators; managers and decision-makers in the field of AE; and evaluators: promoters of self-evaluation inside AE institutions, national and international agencies for quality assurance of AE services, accreditation bodies of vocational training and continuing education of adult educators, and certification bodies of adult educators.
Cooperating institutions were the Centre of Educational Studies at Vytautas Magnus University (CES), Copenhagen Course- and Eveningschool (KKA), Higher Education Quality Evaluation Centre (HEQEC), General Workers' Union (GWU), Norwegian Association for Distance Education, Romanian Institute for Adult Education (IREA), Swedish TelePedagogic Knowledge Centre (STPKC), and the EIESP.
The AduEdu project has been funded with support from the European Commission within the framework of the Socrates - Grundtvig.