EIESP and Vytautus Magnus University are leading the BRiDGE Project, bringing together higher education and civil society organisation practitioners and policymakers to foster evidence-informed policy development.
The EIESP is participating in the FOOTT PRINTTS project: Focus on Teacher Training Practical Guidelines for In-Service Teacher Trainers. Find out more here: www.foottprintts.eu
Best Practice Approaches to Achieving Parity of Esteem in Education and Training in Wales (2002-2003)
The National Council-ELWa (the Welsh Learning and Skills Council) commissioned Newidiem and the EIESP to identify best practice approaches from around the world that encourage a “parity of esteem” between academic and vocational routes of post-16 learning and to identify when possible the means of transferring good practice. The project focused on progression to higher education and employment.
The first phase consisted in evaluating of the state of play in Wales concerning parity of esteem. The second phase was an analysis of relevant policies and practice in other European countries based on the work of four LEONARDO projects and on the broader experience of EIESP and Newidiem. The final phase involved developing general guidelines to the identification and transfer of good practice. The outcome was a report to the National Council-ELWa entitled: “Best Practice Approaches to Achieving Parity of Esteem in Education and Training (January 2003)”.
The project partners were Newidiem and the EIESP.
The programme was run under the National Council- ELWa (The Welsh Learning and Skills Council).