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WISE/EIESP: Learning and Well-being: An Agenda for Change Report (2014)


The report "Learning and Well-being: An Agenda for Change" examined how to define, measure and foster learning for well-being in schools and through policies. It analyses the theoretical underpinnings and evidence on effective approaches to supporting learn well-being. Six case studies of positive practices from different regions are presented and some of the common principles that can serve as a framework for innovators working in other contexts are identified. It also develops recommendations to actively promote well-being through international frameworks, national education policies and schools. The study was led by Janet Looney and Marwan Awartani.


The full report is available here

The project was funded by WISE.


EIESP is a member of the Learning for Well-being Community, led by the Learning for Well-being Foundation (formerly the Universal Education Foundation). The Community includes partners from education, health, and child welfare organisations that are operating at European and national levels. Members seek new ways to work together, specifically to develop capacities for competent relationships and systems for children and those who support them.

EIESP  European Institute of Education and Social Policy

IEEPS Institut Européen d’Éducation et de Politique Sociale

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