EIESP and Vytautus Magnus University are leading the BRiDGE Project, bringing together higher education and civil society organisation practitioners and policymakers to foster evidence-informed policy development.
The EIESP is participating in the FOOTT PRINTTS project: Focus on Teacher Training Practical Guidelines for In-Service Teacher Trainers. Find out more here: www.foottprintts.eu
Key competences for all:
Policy design and implementation in Europe
Online Conference Tuesday 18 January 2022
Click here to view the conference video.
Welcoming address
Themis Christophidou, Director-General, EC DG EAC
Key Findings, Recommendations and Policy Guidelines
Prof. Kay Livingston, Professor of Educational Research Policy and Practice (Culture, Literacies, Inclusion & Pedagogy) at University of Glasgow
Janet Looney and Majella O’Shea, Study Team
Reflections on the recommendations
Prof. Dr Edith Hooge, Professor, ‘Boards and Governance in Education’ at TIAS, Tilburg University
Michael Teutsch, Head of Unit, European Commission DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
Elsebeth Aller, Head of International Affairs for Children and Education, Ministry of Education and Children, Denmark
Dr. Drahoslava Keckesova (PhD), State Advisor at the Department for Curriculum and Innovation in Education of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak republic.
Maria Emília Brederode Santos, President of the National Education Council, Portugal
Comfort break
Applying the guidelines to different types of education systems and contexts. A panel debate.
Facilitated by Prof. Kay Livingston
Harold Hislop, Chief Inspector, Ireland
Peter Lucas, Policy Advisor, VO-Raad, Netherlands
Susan Flocken, ETUCE European Director
Rareș Voicu, OBESSU
Carmen Caballero Martínez, Head of Area of General Regime Education, General Sub-Directorate for Academic Organisation, Directorate General for Evaluation and Territorial Cooperation, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, Spain
Jaroslav Faltýn, EU department Deputy director, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Initiatives to support broad competence development and better achievement of basic skills
Ulrike Pisiotis, European Commission Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
Invitation to participants to comment on own commitments and expectations from the Commission to further enhance the implementation of key competence reforms, including basic skills
Sophia ERIKSSON WATERSCHOOT (Director, Youth, Education and Erasmus+, European Commission)
Please click here to access the conference video.