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Key competences for all:

Policy design and implementation in Europe

Please click here to view the conference video that was held on 18 January 2022.)


Improving key competence development is at the heart of the European Education Area – a space where all young people should receive the best education and training, regardless of their background. More than ever, our young people need to develop their basic skills and a broad set of competences to become independent, engaged citizens, lifelong learners and to be prepared for the challenges of green and digital transitions, the rapid development of new technologies and constant change and disruption.


This conference discussed the findings of the study on “How can policy reform for broad competence development in school education, and in particular a better achievement of basic skills, be effectively designed and implemented?” The study was carried out for the European Commission by the European Institute of Education and Social Policy (EIESP), Ecorys, and the Danish Technological Institute (DTI). The conference focused particularly on Policy Recommendations and Guidelines produced as part of the study for policy makers and education stakeholders across Europe.

The conference was held online by the European Commission (Directorate-General for Education, Youth Sport and Culture).

Please click here to view the conference video.

Conference Programme

Recommendations and Policy Guidelines

EIESP  European Institute of Education and Social Policy

IEEPS Institut Européen d’Éducation et de Politique Sociale

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